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Thursday, May 10, 2018


1.      How many ingredients if you want to make a good story ?
·         Verbs provide audience.
·         Know your audience.

2.      Where you can find the power of the sentence when you make story ?
·         We can find the power of the sentences from the verb, sentences are short and S-V-O pattern.
Kita dapat menemukan kekuatan kalimat dari kata kerja, kalimat pendek dan pola S V O.

3.      Can you explain what is simplicity clarity ?
·         Simplicity is simple or easy to uunderstand.
Kesederhanaan itu sederhana atau mudah di mengerti
·         Clarity is a way of thinking where a clarity is needed to understand it.
Kejelasan adalah cara berpikir di mana kejelasan diperlukan untuk memahaminya.
·         Simplicity and clarity are important because of the different kinds of people who read and listen to news.
Kesederhanaan dan kejelasan penting karena berbagai jenis orang yang membaca dan mendengarkan berita

4.      Mention what is a key faster of readability ?
·         Conclude that paragraph length and word length.
Simpulkan bahwa panjang paragraf dan panjang kata.

5.      Explaining what is mean what is word standar ?
·         Simple word are understood easily.
Kata sederhana dipahami dengan mudah.

6.      When the writer should cut a sentence ?
·         A good place to start cutting is with adjective and adverb.
Tempat yang baik untuk memulai pemotongan adalah dengan kata sifat dan kata keterangan.

7.      Explain what is mean convincing ?
·         When the writer can illustration the story with an example.
Ketika penulis dapat menggambarkan cerita dengan sebuah contoh.

8.      When the writer feels convincing while the writer were writing ?
·         writer usually are most convincing when they have witnessed the event they are describe it.
Penulis biasanya paling meyakinkan ketika mereka telah menyaksikan peristiwa yang mereka gambarkan itu.

9.      What kinds of details the writer can writing in their stories ?
·         Quotes convince, be spesific and natural style.
Kutipan meyakinkan, menjadi gaya yang khas dan alami.

10.  The shift to story telling mean is ?
·         Make conclusions first and then tell the three basic determination of news.
Membuat kesimpulan terlebih dahulu dan kemudian menceritakan tiga penentuan dasar berita.

11.  What are the important material when writing story ?
·         Story ideas, descriptions, conflicts, insight,  lots of reading and writing.
Ide cerita, deskripsi, konflik, wawasan, banyak membaca dan menulis.

12.  Mention some ingredients when the story can tell is simply and directly ?
·         Basically, the story should be told in declarative sentence that pull the reader along. Subject, verb, object, period.
Pada dasarnya, cerita harus diceritakan dalam kalimat deklaratif yang menarik pembaca. Subjek, kata kerja, objek, titik.

13.  Explain what is mean cliché ?
·         Cliché are expression, ideas or element of artwork  that are to often used so that the original meaning or effect fades away.
Klise adalah ekspresi, ide atau elemen karya seni yang sering digunakan sehingga makna atau efek asli memudar.

14.  Explain what is mean redundancies ?
·         Redundancies are repetitions which is not necessary and meaningless.
Redudansi adalah pengulangan yang tidak perlu dan tidak berarti.

15.  What is name the language style characteristic of newspaper writing ?
·         The distinctive style of the language of newspaper writing is the collection of words that describe the sequence of events.
Gaya khas dari bahasa penulisan surat kabar adalah kumpulan kata-kata yang menggambarkan urutan kejadian.

16.  What is mean natural style ?
·         Natural style means the style of the story fix with the subject.
Gaya natural berarti gaya cerita yang diperbaiki dengan subjek.

17.  Explain about clutter ?
·         The sentence that bumps and grinds its way from capital letter to period without regard to meaning, structure and coherence.
Kalimat yang menabrak dan menggiling jalan dari huruf kapital ke periode tanpa memperhatikan makna, struktur dan koherensi.

18.  What is the fuction in every each word ?
·         The function in each word is decipher a sentence.
Fungsi dalam setiap kata menguraikan kalimat

19.  Explain about how you can find quotes improve a story ?
·         Direct quotes are wxacity same quotations as the original how to use it is follows.
Kutipan langsung memiliki kutipan yang sama seperti aslinya bagaimana cara menggunakannya.
·         Quoted as is.
Dikutip seperti apa adanya.
·         Integrated into in the text of the quthors exposure.
Terintegrasi ke dalam teks paparan quthors.
·         Spacing of two line spacing lines.
Jarak dari dua garis garis spasi.

20.  Explain about the injection of the time element in writing story ?
·         Character is the nature and behavior of the actor of the story.
Karakter adalah sifat dan perilaku aktor cerita.
·         Theme is the moral message and place in wich it happens.
Tema adalah pesan moral dan tempat di mana hal itu terjadi.
·         Plot the plot is the demise off all event namely how the events are arranged chorono logically.
Plot plot adalah matinya semua acara serta bagaimana acara diatur secara chorono secara logis.

21.  How do you get observe goodtaste when you writing story ?
·         Make a point of view as the special as possible.
Buat sudut pandang sespesifik mungkin.
·         Specify unique title.
Tentukan judul yang unik.
·         Use language is not pedantic.
Gunakan bahasa tidak bertele-tele.

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